II курс 14.05 Контроль письма
Test in Writing
Task 1.Choose the words from the box
for their definitions.

to increase
A magazine, especially one about serious subjects
which is published in certain periods of time.___________________
To rise in number or amount._______
The title written at the beginning of a piece of
writing, or at the beginning of a part of a book. _________ ,_____________
4. Amusing and interesting._________________ :
To promise to do something or to promise that
something will happen.
6. To pay
money, usually once a year, to have copies of a newspaper or a magazine sent to
Task 2. Use the Passive Voice.
Radium and polonium/to discover/ Maria Curie.
Robert Goddard/ to launch/the first rocket in 1926.
“The Origin of Species”/ to write/ Charles Darwin.
The telephone/ to use/ to speak to other people.
The first computer/ to make/ in the USA.
The first accurate clock/ to design/ in 1657.
Task 3 Заповни пропуски
дієсловами у потрібній формі.
1. Dan ... so many mistakes in his English dictations! Ben does not ... many
mistakes in his works. (make)
2. We do not ... to school at weekend. We ... to school from Mondays to
Fridays. (go)
3. Kate does not... TV in the morning. She ... TV in the evening. (watch)
4. Denys does not ... to his penfriend very often. But he ... to his
grandparents every week. (write)
5. I do not... loud music. But my elder brother ... it very much. (like)
6. This dog does not... at cats. It ... at cars. (bark)
Task 4. Finish the sentences
a) Ukraine is situated in
b) The population of Ukraine is
c) The major part of Ukraine
is …
d) The climate of Ukraine is
e) The two mountainous areas
in Ukraine are …
The population of Britain is over …
g) The capital of Great Britain
is …
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