III курс. III тиждень.30.03 Тема "Art. Painting"

Task 1. Work with the following list of words to the topic. Write down those words you don’t  know. Learn them by heart.
Canvas, picture            - полотно
Drawing                       - малюнок
Watercolour                - акварель
Oil                               - олія
Icon                             - ікона
Iconography                - іконопис
Painting                       - живопис
Stained-glass window  - вітраж
Mosaic                        - мозаїка
Fresco                         - фреска
Sketch                         - етюд, ескіз
Landscape                   - пейзаж
Seascape, marine       - морський пейзаж
Cityscape                   - міський пейзаж
Still life                       - натюрморт
Portrait                        - портрет
Self-portrait                 - автопортрет
Masterpiece                 - шедевр
Original                       - оригінал
Reproduction, print     - репродукція
Copy                            - копія
Master                          - майстер, великий художник
Artist, painter               - художник
Sculptor                        - скульптор
Restorer                        - реставратор
Skill                              - майстерність
Skillful                          - майстерний
Sculpture                      - скульптура
Relic                             - реліквія
China, porcelain           - фарфор
Tapestry                       - гобелен
Precious textiles          - дорогий текстиль
Ivory                            - вироби із слонової кістки
Pottery                         - кераміка, гончарні вироби
Weaving                      - ткацтво
Woodcarving               - різьблення  по дереву
Inlay                             - інкрустація, мозаїчна робота
Folk art                        - народне мистецтво
Modern art                  - сучасне мистецтво
Antique art                  - античне мистецтво
Modernism                  - модернізм
Impressionism             - імпресіонізм
Cubism                        - кубізм
Abstract painting         - абстракціонізм

Task 2. Read the text and give answers to the questions after the text.

Art and culture
       The Oxford Advancer Learner's Dictionary of Current English by Hornby gives us the following definition of the notion "art". "Art" is the creation or expression of what is beautiful, especially in visual form. Drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, music, ballet belong to the fine art".
       Really when something is extremely beautiful or has great cultural value, we say: "It's art". Art has always been occupation for the few, but has been admired by many. Art reflects feelings and emotions, brings delight and admiration, and makes life pure as it wakens our best hidden qualities. Speaking about arts, we connect this notion with culture. According to the dictionary culture of a community or nation includes all the arts, beliefs and social institutions characteristic of a community or nation. We can speak about either material, or spiritual culture. Art is both.
       Ukraine and Russia are the countries that can rightfully boast their artistic and cultural traditions. Their art galleries attract huge crowds of tourists from all over the world. The Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts contains valuable collections of Ukrainian icons, pictures and sculptures from the 14th century until nowadays. The picture gallery of Feodosia boasts the famous in the world collection of the most prominent painter of seascapes Ivan Aivazovsky. The Gallery in fact is the sole in Ukraine museum of the seascape painting. The Gallery was founded in 1880 by I.Aivazovsky. His life and creative career is reflected by the exhibition of the memorial-historical department.
       Folk handicraft arts in Ukraine are especially well-developed. Pysanky, woodcarving and inlay, ceramics, embroidery and weaving have been developed. Ukrainians especially love to embroider and use embroidery not only in their native dress. They also adore their clothing, pillowcases, tablecloths, curtains and altar clothes. The predominating colours are red or orange and black. Embroidery designs vary from region to region and even individual villages have their own patterns.
       St. Petersburg is a precious stone in the crown of Russian cities. The Hermitage is famous all over the world for its valuable rare collections of canvases and other art objects covering a span of about seven hundreds years and comprising masterpieces of  Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Raphael, Rembrandt, and Rubens. The collections illustrate the art of Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, France, Britain, and Sweden. The West - European Department also includes a fine collection of European Sculpture. People come to admire the collections of tapestry, precious textiles, weapons, ivory, pottery, porcelain and furniture as well.
       It’s hard to overestimate the role of art in one’s life. Art has great influence on our souls, feelings, forms our moral values. Art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world. Art makes us think of the sense of life, how people must live, what is ideal of beauty. Art creates our notion about beauty and harmony, helps people to understand outside world and each other. Art develops our good qualities. Art has a great educational significance. It makes people more human and kind. The language of art is universal. Everybody, in spite of age, nationality, occupation understands what is said by the painter. Art gives people the possibility to express themselves and to become famous. But not every painter becomes famous. Only talented, genius people like da Vinci, Raphael and others can create great, eternal art, real masterpieces. Art is great only if it has links with people’s lives, interests, ideals. If it hasn’t, it won’t be understood and acknowledged. Real art appeals to the hеart and mind of a man, to his feelings.

Task 3. Answer the questions to the text.
1.     What is “art” by definition?
2.     What does art reflect?
3.     What is “culture”?
4.     What does Feodosia boast?
5. What Ukrainian handicraft art do you know?
6.What kind of art if embroidery?
7.What is the role of art in our life?

Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents to the following word combinations.

      Образотворче мистецтво,   культурна цінність,  заняття для не багатьох,  пробуджує найкращі якості,  єдиний в Україні музей морського пейзажу,  люблять вишивати,  переважаючі кольори,  коштовний камінь,  рідкісні колекції полотен,  важко переоцінити роль мистецтва,  формує світогляд,  збагачує внутрішній світ,  мова мистецтва,  звертається до серця і розуму,можливість виражати себе,допомагати людям зрозуміти зовнішній світ та одне одного.


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